Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs projects

LIA INFORMEL with CMI, Chennai, India ; see below.

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  1. The CMI (Chennai Mathematical Institute) is a long-standing partner of our team. The project Île de France/Inde in the ARCUS program from 2008 to 2011 has allowed several exchange visits between Cachan and Chennai, organizations of ACTS workshops with french and indian researchers in Chennai, internships in Cachan, and two theses in co-tutelle (Akshay Sundararaman, defended in 2010) and Aiswarya Cyriac (defended in 2014).

    Currently, Paul Gastin is co-head (with Madhavan Mukund) of the CNRS International Associated Laboratory (LIA) INFORMEL (INdo-French FORmal Methods Lab,  http://projects.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/informel/ ), see below.

  2. We have been exchanging visits for several years between MExICo the computer science and electrical engineering departments at Newcastle University, UK , with visits in both directions; they involve in particular Maciej Koutny, Alex Yakovlev, Victor Khomenko and Andrey Mokhov, as well as Anil Wipat, co-director of the center for Synthetic Biology and the Bioeconomy at Newcastle University.

  3. Exchanges are frequent with Rolf Hennicker from LMU and Javier Esparza at TUM, both in Munich, Germany.